
عرض المواقع الخاصة بالدولة: United States



Hurghada-Ausflüge Hier sind einige der beliebtesten Ausflüge von Hurghada: Wüstensafari: Eine Wüstensafari ist ein Muss für jeden Urlaub in Hurghada. Sie können auf einem Kamel reiten, Quad fahren, Sandboarding betreiben und die atemberaubende Wüstenlandschaft genießen. Wüstensafari in Hurghada Tagesausflug nach Luxor: Luxor ist eine der wichtigsten archäologischen Stätten der Welt und beherbergt einige der berühmtesten Monumente Ägyptens, darunter den Karnak-Tempel, das Tal der Könige und den Hatschepsut-Tempel. Tagesausflug nach Luxor von Hurghada Tagesausflug nach Kairo: Kairo ist die Hauptstadt Ägyptens und ein pulsierendes kulturelles Zentrum. Sie können die Pyramiden von Gizeh, die Sphinx, das Ägyptische Museum und andere Sehenswürdigkeiten besuchen. Tagesausflug nach Kairo von Hurghada Tagesausflug zum Giftun-Archipel: Das Giftun-Archipel ist ein wunderschönes Archipel im Roten Meer. Sie können Schnorcheln oder Tauchen gehen, um die bunten Korallenriffe und tropischen Fische zu sehen. Tagesausflug zum Mahmya-Strand: Der Mahmya-Strand ist ein schöner Strand mit weißem Sand und kristallklarem Wasser. Sie können sich entspannen und die Sonne genießen oder Wassersport treiben. Tagesausflug zum MahmyaStrand von Hurghada Weitere Ausflüge von Hurghada: Quad-Tour durch die Wüste QuadTour durch die Wüste von Hurghada Kamelritt durch die Wüste Kamelritt durch die Wüste von Hurghada Sandboarding in der Wüste Sandboarding in der Wüste von Hurghada Tauchen oder Schnorcheln im Roten Meer Tauchen oder Schnorcheln im Roten Meer von Hurghada Bootsfahrt auf dem Roten Meer Bootsfahrt auf dem Roten Meer von Hurghada Besuch eines traditionellen ägyptischen Dorfes Besuch eines Basar Besuch eines Basar von Hurghada Bei der Auswahl eines Ausflugs sollten Sie Folgendes berücksichtigen: Ihr Budget: Ausflüge können je nach Dauer, Aktivität und Anbieter unterschiedlich teuer sein. Ihre Interessen: Wenn Sie sich für Geschichte interessieren, sollten Sie sich für einen Ausflug nach Luxor oder Kairo entscheiden. Wenn Sie die Natur lieben, sollten Sie sich für einen Ausflug zum Giftun-Archipel oder Mahmya-Strand entscheiden. Ihre Fitness: Einige Ausflüge, wie z. B. Wüstensafaris, sind anstrengender als andere. Wenn Sie sich für einen Ausflug entscheiden, sollten Sie sich im Voraus informieren, was inbegriffen ist. Einige Ausflüge bieten nur die Transportkosten, während andere auch Mahlzeiten, Aktivitäten und Getränke enthalten.



Hurghada, eine Küstenstadt am Roten Meer in Ägypten, ist ein beliebtes Reiseziel für Sonnenanbeter und Wassersportler. Es gibt viele Ausflugsmöglichkeiten in und um Hurghada, die die Schönheit der Region und ihre reiche Geschichte und Kultur zeigen. Hier sind einige populäre Ausflugsziele und Aktivitäten: Schnorchel- und Tauchausflüge: Die Gewässer vor Hurghada bieten eine atemberaubende Unterwasserwelt. Schnorchel- und Tauchtouren ermöglichen es Ihnen, farbenfrohe Korallenriffe und eine Vielzahl von Meereslebewesen zu erkunden. Giftun Island: Diese Inselgruppe im Roten Meer ist ein Naturschutzgebiet und ein beliebtes Ziel für Bootsausflüge. Hier können Sie Schnorcheln, Entspannen am Strand und die natürliche Schönheit genießen. Wüstensafaris: Unternehmen Sie eine Safari in die nahegelegene Wüste, um die faszinierende Landschaft zu erleben. Quad-Touren, Jeep-Safaris oder sogar Kamelritte sind verfügbar. Mahmya Island: Diese Insel bietet weiße Sandstrände und kristallklares Wasser. Tagesausflüge nach Mahmya Island sind bei Besuchern beliebt, um sich zu entspannen und Wassersportaktivitäten nachzugehen. Kairo-Tagesausflug: Ein Tagesausflug nach Kairo ermöglicht es Ihnen, die Pyramiden von Gizeh, das Ägyptische Museum und andere historische Stätten zu besichtigen. Die Fahrt von Hurghada nach Kairo dauert etwa 5-6 Stunden, daher ist es ein langer Tag. Luxor-Tagesausflug: Eine Fahrt nach Luxor, dem antiken Theben, ermöglicht es Ihnen, den Karnak-Tempel, den Luxor-Tempel, das Tal der Könige und andere historische Stätten zu erkunden. Dolphin House: Ein Ausflug zum Dolphin House bietet die Möglichkeit, Delfine im Roten Meer zu beobachten. Einige Touren umfassen auch Schnorcheln an Riffen in der Nähe. Altstadt von Hurghada (El Dahar): Entdecken Sie die lokale Kultur in der Altstadt von Hurghada. Hier finden Sie Souks, traditionelle Märkte, und können das lokale Leben erleben. Abendliche Wüstentour mit Sternenhimmel: Unternehmen Sie eine Wüstentour am Abend, um den Sonnenuntergang in der Wüste zu erleben und den klaren Sternenhimmel zu bewundern. Aquarium und Zoo von Hurghada: Der Hurghada Grand Aquarium bietet eine Vielzahl von Meereslebewesen, während der Hurghada Zoo eine interessante Sammlung von Tieren zeigt. Bevor Sie Ausflüge buchen, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie dies bei vertrauenswürdigen Reiseveranstaltern oder lokalen Agenturen tun. Es ist immer ratsam, die Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsrichtlinien zu beachten und die Wetterbedingungen für Ihre geplanten Aktivitäten zu berücksichtigen.

almaza travel


If you are looking for a glass boat tour in Hurghada, here are some options: Hurghada Glass Bottom Boat Tour: Take a glass bottom boat tour in Hurghada and explore the underwater world without getting wet. Hurghada Glass Boat Tour to Giftun Island: Take a glass bottom boat tour to Giftun Island in Hurghada and enjoy the stunning coral reefs and marine life. Hurghada Glass Boat Tour to Dolphin Reef: Take a glass bottom boat tour to see the playful dolphins that inhabit the waters around Hurghada. Hurghada Glass Boat Tour to the Red Sea Marine Park: Take a glass bottom boat tour to see the colorful fish and coral reefs in the Red Sea Marine Park. Hurghada Glass Boat Tour to the Abu Nuhas Shipwreck: Take a glass bottom boat tour to see the famous Abu Nuhas shipwreck and explore the underwater world. Hurghada Glass Boat Tour to the Mahmya Island: Take a glass bottom boat tour to Mahmya Island and enjoy the beautiful coral reefs and marine life. Hurghada Glass Boat Tour to the Umm Gammar Reef: Take a glass bottom boat tour to Umm Gammar Reef and see the beautiful coral formations and colorful fish. Hurghada Glass Bottom Boat Tour to the Sharm El Naga Beach: Take a glass bottom boat tour to Sharm El Naga Beach and enjoy the crystal clear waters and beautiful coral reefs. Hurghada Glass Bottom Boat Tour to the Paradise Island: Take a glass bottom boat tour to Paradise Island and enjoy the beautiful coral reefs and marine life. Hurghada Glass Bottom Boat Tour to the Straits of Gubal: Take a glass bottom boat tour to the Straits of Gubal and explore the beautiful underwater world.

almaza travel


Certainly! Both Hurghada and Marsa Alam, situated along the Red Sea in Egypt, offer a variety of exciting excursions and activities. Here's a combined list of excursions you can consider in both locations: Excursions in Hurghada: Snorkeling and Diving Trips: Explore the vibrant coral reefs of the Red Sea through guided snorkeling or diving excursions. Giftun Island Trip: Enjoy a day trip to Giftun Island for relaxation on the beach, snorkeling, and swimming in crystal-clear waters. Desert Safari and Quad Biking: Experience the thrill of a desert safari, including quad biking on the sand dunes. Some tours may include visits to Bedouin villages. Luxor Day Trip: Venture to Luxor to explore ancient Egyptian temples, the Valley of the Kings, and other historical sites along the Nile River. Cairo Excursion: Take a day trip to Cairo to see the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, and the Egyptian Museum. Dolphin Watching Tours: Embark on a boat trip to spot dolphins in their natural habitat, with some tours offering snorkeling opportunities. Submarine Tours: Explore the underwater world without getting wet by taking a submarine tour in the Red Sea. Excursions in Marsa Alam: Diving and Snorkeling: Explore the pristine coral reefs and diverse marine life in the Red Sea through guided diving or snorkeling excursions. Sataya Reef (Dolphin House) Trip: Visit Sataya Reef, also known as Dolphin House, for a chance to swim and snorkel with dolphins. Abu Dabbab Turtle Snorkeling: Snorkel in Abu Dabbab Bay for a chance to encounter sea turtles in their natural environment. Mangrove Forest Boat Tours: Take a boat tour to explore the scenic mangrove forests along the coast, providing unique views and birdwatching opportunities. Wadi el Gemal National Park: Explore the diverse landscapes of Wadi el Gemal National Park, offering camel rides, desert exploration, and visits to Bedouin communities. Luxor and Aswan Multi-Day Tours: Extend your historical exploration with multi-day trips to Luxor and Aswan. Desert Quad Biking: Experience the thrill of quad biking through the desert sands. Hamata Islands Snorkeling: Visit the Hamata Islands for excellent snorkeling opportunities and beautiful coral reefs. Marsa Mubarak Snorkeling: Explore the protected bay of Marsa Mubarak for fantastic snorkeling experiences. When planning these excursions, ensure to book through reputable local operators or your hotel's concierge to ensure safety and a positive experience. Consider your preferences and interests to choose the excursions that align with your preferences.



Certainly! Both Hurghada and Marsa Alam offer a variety of exciting excursions and activities. Here's a combined list of excursions you can consider in both locations: Excursions in Hurghada: Snorkeling and Diving Trips: Explore the vibrant coral reefs of the Red Sea with guided snorkeling or diving excursions. Giftun Island Trip: Enjoy a day trip to Giftun Island, where you can relax on the beach, snorkel, and swim in the clear waters. Desert Safari and Quad Biking: Take a desert safari to explore the arid landscapes surrounding Hurghada, and try quad biking on the sand dunes. Luxor Day Trip: Venture to Luxor to visit ancient Egyptian temples, the Valley of the Kings, and other historical sites. Cairo Excursion: A day trip to Cairo to see the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, and the Egyptian Museum. Dolphin Watching Tours: Go on a boat trip to spot dolphins in their natural habitat. Submarine Tours: Experience the underwater world through a submarine tour in the Red Sea. Excursions in Marsa Alam: Diving and Snorkeling: Explore the pristine coral reefs and marine life in the Red Sea. Sataya Reef (Dolphin House) Trip: Visit Sataya Reef for a chance to swim and snorkel with dolphins. Abu Dabbab Turtle Snorkeling: Snorkel in Abu Dabbab Bay to encounter sea turtles in their natural environment. Mangrove Forest Boat Tours: Take a boat tour to explore the scenic mangrove forests along the coast. Wadi el Gemal National Park: Explore the diverse landscapes of Wadi el Gemal National Park, with options for camel rides and desert exploration. Luxor and Aswan Multi-Day Tours: Extend your historical exploration with multi-day trips to Luxor and Aswan. Desert Quad Biking: Experience the thrill of quad biking through the desert around Marsa Alam. Hamata Islands Snorkeling: Visit the Hamata Islands for excellent snorkeling opportunities and beautiful coral reefs. Marsa Mubarak Snorkeling: Explore the protected bay of Marsa Mubarak for fantastic snorkeling experiences. Always ensure to book excursions through reputable local operators or your hotel's concierge to ensure safety and a positive experience. Consider your preferences, whether it's adventure, history, or relaxation, when choosing the excursions that suit your interests.

almaza travel


Hurghada Excursions: Explore the Marvels of the Red Sea Hurghada, nestled along the stunning shores of the Red Sea, is not just a beach paradise but also a hub for exciting excursions and adventures. Here are some captivating excursions you can embark on in Hurghada: 1. Diving in Coral Gardens: Hurghada is one of the best diving havens globally. Take a dive into the depths of the Red Sea and marvel at the astonishing coral gardens and vibrant marine life. 2. Safari on the Sand Dunes: Embark on a journey across the sand dunes of the desert. Experience an exhilarating quad bike or dune buggy ride and relish beautiful sunsets in the desert. 3. Red Sea Cruise: Indulge in the romance of a luxury cruise on the Red Sea. It provides the perfect setting for a sunset dinner and stargazing far away from city lights. 4. Old Town Stroll: A walk through the old town of Hurghada is a great way to immerse yourself in local culture and traditions. Visit markets, savor local cuisine, and discover the gems of ancient Hurghada. 5. Wreck Diving: Hurghada is also renowned for its wreck diving sites. Explore underwater wrecks and learn the stories they hold. 6. Giftun Island Cruise: Take a trip to Giftun Island, where you can relax on white sandy beaches, snorkel in crystal-clear waters, and explore the fascinating underwater world. Hurghada excursions offer diverse experiences, from desert adventures to tranquil moments on the beach. It's a place where the beauty of nature meets history and modern-day adventure.



A day trip from Hurghada to Cairo is a great way to explore the fascinating history of Egypt and some of its iconic sights. Here is a typical route for a day trip from Hurghada to Cairo: Pick-up at the hotel: Your day starts with the pick-up from your hotel in Hurghada. Make sure you leave early to have enough time for the round trip. Drive to Cairo: The journey from Hurghada to Cairo usually takes about 5 to 6 hours, depending on traffic conditions. Most tours offer an air-conditioned bus for the comfort of travelers. Giza Plateau: Your first stop is the Giza Plateau, where the famous Pyramids of Giza are located. Here you can admire the pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure and visit the majestic Sphinx. Lunch: Enjoy lunch at a local restaurant in Cairo, which is often included in the excursion package. Egyptian Museum: Visit the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square, where you can see an impressive collection of ancient artifacts, including the treasures of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. Khan El Khalili Bazaar: Immerse yourself in the hustle and bustle of the Khan El Khalili Bazaar. Here you can buy souvenirs, admire handmade goods and experience the unique atmosphere of the bazaar. Return to Hurghada: After exploring the highlights of Cairo, you will start the return journey to Hurghada. As a rule, they return to their hotel in the evening. Please note that the exact itinerary may vary depending on the tour operator. It is important to book in advance and make sure that the excursion is carried out by a reputable company. In addition, you should keep in mind that a day trip from Hurghada to Cairo involves a long drive, but it's a great opportunity to experience the impressive historical sites of the Egyptian capital.



Certainly! Hurghada, a popular resort town on the Red Sea coast of Egypt, offers a variety of exciting excursions for visitors. Here are some specific excursions you might consider in Hurghada: Snorkeling and Diving Excursions: Explore the vibrant underwater world of the Red Sea by joining snorkeling or diving trips. There are numerous dive sites, including coral reefs and sunken shipwrecks. Giftun Islands Trip: Take a boat trip to the Giftun Islands, a protected marine reserve. Enjoy snorkeling, sunbathing on the beach, and perhaps a chance to see dolphins. Desert Safari and Quad Biking: Experience the beauty of the Egyptian desert with a desert safari. Ride on a quad bike over the sand dunes, and visit a Bedouin village to learn about their culture. Dolphin Watching Tours: Go on a boat tour in the Red Sea for the chance to spot dolphins in their natural habitat. Some tours also allow you to swim with dolphins. Cairo Day Trip: Take a day trip to Cairo to visit iconic landmarks such as the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, and the Egyptian Museum. It's a longer trip but offers a glimpse into Egypt's rich history. Luxor Day Trip: Explore Luxor, known as the "world's greatest open-air museum." Visit the Valley of the Kings, Karnak Temple, and Luxor Temple to discover ancient Egyptian history. Hurghada City Tour: Take a guided tour of Hurghada to explore its local markets, visit the old town, and experience the daily life of the residents. Submarine Tour: For a unique underwater experience, consider a submarine tour. You can observe marine life and coral formations without getting wet. Water Sports Activities: Enjoy a variety of water sports, including parasailing, windsurfing, banana boat rides, and jet skiing. Many resorts and water sports centers offer these activities. Fishing Excursions: Join a fishing trip in the Red Sea, either for a few hours or a full day. It's a great way to enjoy the sea and try your hand at fishing. Remember to book excursions through reputable tour operators or your hotel to ensure safety and a positive experience. Additionally, check reviews and ask for recommendations to make the most of your time in Hurghada.

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There are a huge number of excursion options in Hurghada, which introduce visitors to the beauty of the Red Sea, the fascinating desert landscape and the rich Egyptian culture. Here are some popular excursions: Snorkeling and diving excursions: Explore the breathtaking underwater worlds of the Red Sea with snorkeling or diving excursions. Discover colorful coral reefs and a variety of marine life. Boat tours to the islands: Guests can take boat trips to nearby islands such as Giftun Island. Enjoy relaxing hours on the beach, snorkeling and local delicacies. Quad safaris in the desert: For the adventurous, quad safaris in the desert are ideal. Explore the impressive desert landscape and experience the thrill of the dune ride. Cairo and the Pyramids: A day trip to Cairo will allow you to visit the world-famous Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx and the Egyptian Museum. Luxor Excursion: Visit the ancient city of Luxor and discover historical sites such as the temples of Karnak and Luxor, the Valley of the Kings and the Hatshepsut Temple. Dolphin House (Dolphin House): Take part in boat trips to visit the so-called dolphin house, where you can swim with dolphins and watch them in their natural environment. Evening shows and dinners: Enjoy Egyptian evening shows with traditional dances and music, accompanied by a delicious dinner. Water sport: Try different water sports, including windsurfing, kitesurfing and parasailing, to experience the Red Sea to the fullest. Visit to the old district of El Dahar: Immerse yourself in the local culture by exploring the old district of El Dahar. Here you will find traditional markets, local shops and the opportunity to taste authentic Egyptian food. Boat tour with glass bottom boat: A boat trip on a glass-bottom boat will allow you to admire the underwater world without getting wet. Observe coral reefs and colorful fish through the glass bottom of the boat. Before participating in excursions, it is advisable to check with local tour operators to find out the best options and current conditions. Safety and respect for the environment always come first.